Monday, June 24, 2019

Your Senior Portrait Experience Game Plan...

BEFORE WE GET TO IT...we're pushing back the publishing date of the Summer Issue of our Senior Portrait Magazine. Over the weekend, I received no fewer than two dozen inquiries regarding the locations we have and can shoot your Senior Portrait Session, so we're adding a section on that very topic! We should have it out and ready for you to add it to your summer reading list by Wednesday, Thursday at the latest...ONE WEEK ONLY - Schedule your Summer Senior Portrait Session between now and Midnight, Sunday, June 30,  your Session Fee is only $100 (Regularly $160), AND that $100 will go towards any Print or Digital Collection!...


OVER THE YEARS...The most frequent comment I hear from Seniors and their parents is how confusing and uncomfortable the Senior Portrait process is. But, it does not have to be, if you have a plan. So, let's show you how to make one! There are several things to consider when creating your Senior Portrait Experience, and the key to having a smooth, memorable, pleasant portrait experience is the order in which you handle these issues. Like a fine meal, if you break it down into courses instead of bringing it all to the table at one time, it is far more enjoyable...

THE ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM...No one wants to discuss the cost of Senior Portraits, which is one reason why I've always encouraged my Senior parents to get it out of the way first. Before you look at a single photographer's web site, talk with them on the phone, or meet for your pre-shoot consultation, you want to determine the absolute maximum you can or wish to spend on your Senior's Portraits. And while that doesn't mean you have to spend every penny of that maximum amount, knowing what that amount is accomplishes two things: it sets the very first area of information you want to get from the photographers you interview, and, it takes that nastiness out of every other step in your Senior's Portrait Experience. As long as you are comfortable with that max price line you have set, and you stick to it, the rest of your Senior Portrait Experience will be fun, exciting, and something both you and your Senior will pleasantly, always remember...ADDED TIP - If your  print need is considerable or you want to purchase a larger package, look for a photographer that offers payment plans. Or look for a good digital package. That way, you can get the prints you need, when you need them (instead of purchasing them all at once, and you can save up to 80% is print costs). Both are good ways to expand the image choices for you and your Senior...

NOTE TAKING 101...Once you have the money settled, now the fun starts. Sit together with your Senior / Parent and start thinking about your Senior Portraits. How and where do you want to be photographed? Do you want only the traditional, formal dress and poses, or do you want to have two or three different outfits? Maybe some props reflecting your high school years? Maybe both? Is there a local park or other meaningful location you would like to incorporate into your Senior Collection, or are you thinking about taking your Experience on the road and doing an all-day shoot in Tahoe or San Francisco? What will your Senior Portraits be used for? A nice framed print for your home? Prints for aunts and uncles, grandparents, close family friends? Wallet-sized prints to go out with your announcements? A different print accompanying thank you notes to those who sent gifts? Are you a big social media person who wants to post some of your grad portraits? Is yours a "Photo Album" family? Or maybe you prefer wrapped canvas prints? How about hair and make-up? Making this list serves two purposes. First, you won't forget to bring something up with your photographer at your consultation. But just as important, as you search for your photographer, see how much of what is on your list is addressed by them. See what items that are important to you are provided as a part of their service, and what carries an extra charge...

CONDUCTING YOUR SEARCH...There are many ways to search for the perfect Senior Portrait Photographer. I believe the most time-efficient, effective process is the following:

  * With your notepad at the ready, start Googling for Senior Portrait Photographers in your area. When you get to the first (and each) site, go directly to their Gallery/Portfolio. Do you like their work? You may not like every image they have displayed, but do the images generally appeal to you, and do they offer a number of different styles and poses? (No sense exploring into a photographer any further, if you don't like their work!). If you do like this photographer's work, check their price list / investment.

 * Then check to see if they appear to have a package or packages within your budget limit and/or offer payment plans. If this first photographer earns a check mark in both the "Likes Their Work", and "Budget" columns, write down their web address. Repeat this process for as long as you like, but at least until you have ten or so that fit the bill.

 * Now revisit your list of check-marked web sites and find out more about what the photographer's pricing includes; hair and make up, multiple outfits, out of studio shooting, time limit of your Session, reveal session, on-site hair and make up touch ups during the shoot, digital purchases with prints, etc. (many photographers charge extra for some or all of these services).

 * Make notes of what services come with each photographer's pricing and what pricing or other Session questions you may have. Do this for each of the web sites you have on your list.

 * On another day (You don't want to suffer Senior Photog Burn Out!), begin calling your photographers to interview them. Take a couple of days, if you like. Note: The most important thing to remember before you pick up the telephone, is that you are NOT going to book your Session today. And it is absolutely fine to tell each photographer that at the beginning of your interview. Also, some photographers will try and talk you into doing this interview in person. . One of the most important things you're looking for is the level of personal service and care each photographer is willing to render to your Senior. That is an important part in creating the best possible Senior Portrait Experience, and any photographer unwilling to spend five-ten minutes on the telephone to answer your questions is very telling. Ask each photographer all of your questions and take copious notes. Pay attention to their tone. Did they offer suggestions that might alleviate a concern you shared, or suggest maybe suggest an idea you hadn't even thought of?...

 * When you have interviewed all of the photographers on your list, the rest is gut instinct. You know you like the work of each photographer you have talked with, and that your print/image needs fall within their pricing. Now you just need to decide which one you feel more comfortable with to make this experience a fun and personally memorable one for your Senior, instead of a rush-'em-in-rush-'em-out studio shoot.

 * Take a day or two to step away from the process, then you and your Senior / Parent sit down and go through your notes and make your choice. Select two or three dates you can commit to for your Session, the location you'd like to be photographed at, call your photographer, and book your Session!  ADDED TIP - If, for some reason you don't find the perfect photographer to create the perfect Portrait Experience for your Senior, there are literally hundreds in your area, waiting for your call...

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